另一個賭徒中隊… Another Gamblers,美國空軍Shaw基地開放

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圖文 / Julian Shen

熟悉中華民國空軍在美國的訓練單位的朋友應該知道 Gambler 賭徒中隊這個名字,好巧的不巧地在美國的另一側,也是跟台灣頗有互動的另外一個州,有著另一個 賭徒中隊 ,這個中隊位於南卡羅來納州 Shaw 空軍基地,該基地位於美國東岸南卡羅來納州的中心區域,該基地以第一次世界大戰飛行員 Ervin David Shaw 中尉的名字命名,這位是第一批在第一次世界大戰中執行戰鬥任務的美國人之一。

該基地算是美國東南區,甚至可以算是東岸來說有著最大的 F-16 機隊,目前駐紮在此的為美國空軍第二十戰鬥機聯隊,旗下有著數個中隊,其中第七十七戰鬥機中隊有著與我中華民國駐美的訓練中隊同樣隊呼 Gambler ,並有著非常相似的撲克牌組隊徽。也因為有著最多的 F-16 機隊,之前有介紹過的 F-16 單機展演隊同樣駐紮於此,並且固定會在該基地進行各種表演相關的訓練飛行。以往該基地還有不少 A-10 戰機與許多監視偵察相關的戰機配置,但隨著時代的演變,已逐步由無人機 MQ-9A 收割者來取代。


這次的參訪因為正好穿著第二十一隊的 T-Shirt,在前往七十七隊閒聊的同時,還有被該團隊的親屬詢問,且該位親屬甚至建議他們的指揮官可以考慮設計新款的 T-Shirt ,在活動時使用,算是這次參訪另外一個有意思的插曲。


Those familiar with the ROC Air Force training units in the United States will know the name Gambler Squadron, which coincidentally there is another Gambler squadron located on the other side of this country, in another state that has long and friendly relations with Taiwan. The base is named after World War I pilot Lt. Ervin David Shaw, one of the first Americans to fly combat missions in World War I.

Shaw air force base is considered the largest F-16 fleet in the southeast region of the United States, or even on the East Coast, and is currently home to the 20th Fighter Wing of the U.S. Air Force, which has several squadrons, including the 77th Fighter Squadron, which has the same team name as the Republic of China’s training squadron in the United States, Gambler, and has a very similar poker team logo. The base is also home to the largest number of F-16s, and the previously mentioned F-16 Demo Team is also stationed here and regularly conducts various performance-related training flights. In the past, there were many A-10s and surveillance-related aircraft at the base, but as the times have changed, they have been replaced by the MQ-9A Reaper.

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