「披上蛇皮的致命毒蛇」F-16 單機表演隊

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圖文 / Julian Shen

美國各軍種展演中除了兩大團隊展演外,海空軍各機種也有各自的單機表演展示,從最先進的 F-35 ,F-22 以及 使用多年的 F-16,F-15 甚至連運輸機 C-17 都有自己的表演項目在美國各地以及甚至抵達世界各地展出。

位於美國東南方的南卡羅來納州,也就是我國即將接收的 F-16 C/D 型戰機生產廠區附近 Shaw 空軍基地有著以 F-16 為主力的第二十航空大隊群,旗下有數個攻擊中隊,並附設 F-16 單機表演單位。該基地的第七十七中隊有著與我國派駐在美國的訓練單位第二十一中隊一樣的隊呼 Gambler ,並有著相當相似的隊徽等。

F-16 單機表演團隊在兩年前特地將其表演機體換上了如同蛇皮一般的黑亮外表,並附帶著一雙兇猛的蛇眼,取其為 Venom Viper 。但過往兩年因為疫情的關係,數次展演機會均失之交臂,沒有機會遇到。直到今年初的首次表演,總算有機會拍攝到這架表演機的身影。

今年的展演飛行員 Capt. Aimee “Rebel” Fiedler 是一位有著六年軍旅經驗,並有著超過兩千小時飛行時數的資深飛行員,也同時擁有著民航教官的證照資格。Capt. Fidler 將於接下來的兩年間帶領著七人團隊至各地進行展演,她表示“在我完成任務後,他們將與我並肩飛行或接受培訓以執行這項任務。我們要向我們遇到的人展示這是一個可以實現的目標,只要他們為成功做好準備,他們就可以完成這項工作。”

“這些節目讓我們能夠走向群眾,與廣大民眾們分享我們的每日運作。”Master Sgt. Brandon Baden,F-16 Viper 展演隊負責人表示。“人們可以親眼目睹了我們如何操作該戰機的飛行,同時也了解了我國軍方的能力以及我們空軍維護人員的真實情況。”


A deadly viper in the lethal venom skin

In addition to the two major demo teams, each of the U.S. military’s aircraft also had its own demo team, from the most advanced F-35 and F-22 to the long-used F/A-18, F-16, F-15, and even the transport plane C-17, all of which had their shows around the U.S. and even around the world.

Shaw Air Force Base, located in the southeastern United States near the new F-16 C/D production area, has the 20th Fighter Wing which primarily uses F-16 with several attack squadrons and a demo F-16 unit. The base’s 77th Squadron has the same team name, Gambler, as the Republic of China (Taiwan) 21st Squadron training unit in the United States, and has a similar team insignia.

Two years ago, the F-16 demo team gave the airframe a shiny black appearance like a snake’s skin, with a pair of fierce snake eyes, and called it Venom Viper. However, due to the epidemic in the past two years, several performance opportunities were missed and I had

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